To make sure that your staff develop the practical knowledge to identify ergonomics challenges, find the right solutions, and gain the support needed to implement them we offer easy-to-apply problem-solving methods and cost justification data in our training.
Targets: Contractor /worker , Supervisor , HSE Team, Frontline Executive / Non-Executive
To make sure that your staff develop the practical knowledge to identify ergonomics challenges, find the right solutions, and gain the support needed to implement them we offer easy-to-apply problem-solving methods and cost justification data in our training.
Targets: ALL Employee
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the specific strain of coronavirus disease that emerged in late 2019, it’s imperative to share the facts about the virus. There’s a lot of misinformation about COVID-19, and if people don’t know the truth about its symptoms and how it spreads, they could engage in behaviors that put portions of the population at risk. Anyone looking to learn more about this coronavirus and how to prevent it from spreading will benefit from taking Prosafe HSE Solutions course. This course is effective for improving workplace safety through the prevention of disease transmission for industries like healthcare, food service, manufacturing, agriculture, cosmetology, warehousing, and distribution, Oil and gas etc.
Targets: ALL Employee
Behavior-based safety is a broad term used to describe everything from basic employee behavior audits and feedback to a comprehensive safety management system designed to change a company’s safety culture. This training course will provide both employees and employers with information on how to properly implement a Behavior-Based Safety Training Program and help in improve the safety culture in the organization.
Targets: ALL Employee
Prosafe HSE Solutions is the expert in occupational first aid and CPR training. We can customize our first aid training program to meet the specific needs of your industry.
Targets: ALL Employee